Nurturing Spiritual Direction in the Catholic Tradition
Spiritual direction encourages you to explore a closer relationship with God. In the midst of a busy life, many people find it difficult to take time for prayer and notice God’s action in their lives. Yet, at the deepest level, all of us long for a more conscious experience of God’s presence and love.
Spiritual Direction is an invitation to deepen one’s relationship with God and grow in the awareness of God’s loving presence in the ordinary events of life. The experience invites you into this relationship no matter what your life circumstance or religious participation. God seeks us where we are. Spiritual direction is not counseling, problem-solving, or advice. Rather, the role of a spiritual director is to listen for the holy, to gently guide the spiritual seeker toward an openness to God’s call in their lives. The spiritual director is considered a companion on the journey of faith, a “soul friend”, and a guide. All sessions are private and completely confidential.
Spiritual direction is an ancient tradition in Christianity, going back to the fourth-century desert fathers and mothers. Today, men and women from many religious traditions, both lay and religious, priests and deacons, ministers and rabbis, are trained in the ministry of spiritual direction. Any adult seeking to deepen his or her spiritual life is encouraged to participate in this renewed practice. People of all faiths and walks of life are welcome.
Identify and trust your experiences of God.
Integrate spirituality into your daily life.
Discern and make difficult choices.
Share struggles, losses, or disappointments.
Find encouragement and affirmation in faith.
Grow in your relationship with God, self, others, and creation.
A spiritual director/companion is one who is present to the directee through deep listening and personal support. This creates a safe environment where we can openly and prayerfully explore where God’s Spirit is leading. Spiritual direction is really not about being “directed.” Rather, it is very much about being encouraged to draw closer to God through conversation, listening, and prayer. We talk about what is on your mind.
Most common is a monthly appointment for one hour, but the time and cost is determined between the director and the person seeking direction. Seekers are encouraged to “interview” spiritual directors to find someone who is comfortable to talk with and is supportive of your life circumstances and faith tradition. Go to our AZ CENTERS page to find a listing of Spiritual Directors by location. The Spiritual Directors - lay and ordained - listed in this directory are trained men and women who have years of experience in this ministry.