Nurturing Spiritual Direction in the Catholic Tradition
SPIRITUAL DIRECTION RISING does not recommend any individual spiritual direction. We provide information on spiritual directors connected to each of our centers so that you might discern who might best serve your spiritual journey. You may contact the centers for more information and information on setting up an appointment with an individual spiritual director.
Spiritual Directors International publishes Guidelines for Ethical Conduct which provides a framework for a healthy spiritual direction relationship. You may want to ask your prospective spiritual directors about their formation and training, on-going education. if they are in supervision for their ministry and service, and if they abide by the SDI Guidelines for Ethical Conduct or some other ethical code.
Each spiritual director arranges for payment with you directly. Each of the centers may have a general range but most directors are careful to work with you according to your ability to pay. Directors may charge anywhere from $10 to $70 per one-hour session. There is usually no cost for an initial contact to determine if you want to continue with that director.