Nurturing Spiritual Direction in the Catholic Tradition

Mary Permoda
Director of Pastoral Activities, St. Patrick Catholic Community
Mary Permoda has served in ministry in the Diocese of Phoenix since 1985. She holds a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology and a Masters in Theology from the University of San Francisco, CA. She has served as Director of Catechetical Ministry, Youth Minister, Director of Adult Formation/RCIA, Director of Social Justice, Director of Pastoral Activities, Pastoral Associate and Parish Administrator.
In addition, has been adjunct faculty for Grand Canyon University and Facilitator for Loyola University, New Orleans Ministry Extension Program and sat on the Catholic Charities USA Parish Social Ministry National Leadership Team. Catholic Charities Office of Peace and Justice honored Mary with the Bishop Edward A. McCarthy Excellence in Development of Parish Social Ministry award in 2006. Currently, she sits on the Catholic Charities Community Services Phoenix Board of Directors and is the Director of Pastoral Activities at St. Patrick Catholic Community in Scottsdale, AZ.